Sunday, May 16, 2010

ROCK CHALK...Congrats Ashley & best of luck!

A good friend of mine asked me about a month ago to create her daughter, Ashley's graduation cake from KU...whoa! What an honor! I was so excited to come up with a "cake-like" Jayhawk that resembled such a cool bird...even though in our house we represent several colleges. My husband went to Nebraska (Go Skers'!), I went to K-State (Go Cats!) and well, Hannah sometimes wants to go to Nebraska and K-State while Hank is our resident Jayhawk fan...he was the most excited about this cake! So...back to creating this guy...'er Mr. Jayhawk! I chatted with Karen and showed her some ideas and it all came down to the good 'ole Jayhawk...she was surprising Ashley and only asked what flavor...LOVE it! Off to create the Jayhawk...I started with baking a 1/2 sheet cake which so graciously "fell" right out of the pan (gotta love that as a baker!)...then it was off to decide which way to "cut" or "trace" Mr. Jayhawk (after awhile, I start referring to my cakes as him or her....scary, I know!)...I even consulted my was a tall, skinny Jayhawk or short, squaty Jayhawk...we went with tall & skinny! Once I got "him" traced out and was off to decorate...I always love "bringing these cakes to life"...I say that alot but it's so true. I was telling Karen and her husband, Jerry when I dropped "him" off, that Mr. Jayhawk started to "come to life" once I got his big blue eye on there...I so loved doing this cake! Thank you Karen for asking me to do Ashley's cake...I'm just so blessed and love making all my friends and families celebrations "come to life"!

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